April 9, 2012

Climate Change and Health Module Feedback

Hello Erica,

Climate Change and Health Module:

Course Home Page:
I really like the 'melting globe' icon! However, I do feel it could be more catchy, maybe larger and centered at the top of the page with the title larger and more eye-catching as well.
The light green text is a little hard to read. To match the theme colors I would suggest blue be used instead. On that note, I do find the color scheme is quite appealing!
The feedback area is good, although I noticed the link to the page to provide feedback doesn't work. Not sure if you know this or are still setting that up, but I'm letting you know all the same.
Overall, more significance could be given to this page to show that it is the course home page, because I was actually unaware of that until I saw the small writing that said so.

Other pages: I really like how the activities highlight when I drag my mouse over them! Other icons seem appropriate and of good size for secondary pages. The buttons to move between pages are also noticeable and handy! I noticed some of the pages do not have pictures, which would be good to include in order to capture the interest of the student.

Its amazing that you've created a free university! Thanks for sharing about it with us!


Ariel Kettle

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