April 9, 2012

Creative Reflection: Frying Earth

This photoshop artwork is in response to climate science lesson 3 on the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions website. This video described the impacts human actions have on the planet, specifically how greenhouse gases are contributing to a warming trend in Earth's climate. Temperatures have only risen about 1 degree celsius worldwide, so we are not literally 'cooking' yet, but this change does have significant impacts on the Earth's natural systems. This image is meant to suggest that we are 'frying' our planet in the sense that we are degrading it and changing its substance through human activities. Like an egg that has been fried, the end result is much different than the original. We must be prepared for this change, and also aid in slowing down the 'frying' process of our planet if we want to sustain human life. This must be done by 'decreasing the heat beneath the pan' or in other words, reducing the emissions we produce that lead to global warming. This requires everyday lifestyle changes as well as new technology and new approaches to the way we do things. Just as an egg will fry if the heat is not subdued, so will our planet degrade if we do not reduce human impacts.

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