April 9, 2012

Slam poetry: What Is It To Save?

What is it to save?
Is it a superhero in tights
Saving the world?
But, what does it mean
‘To save the world’?
Superman would say to catch
The villains,
The criminals
The people who harm the innocent
But I say it means
The atrocities
The unjust
The cruel
And literally save the world
Before it is destroyed

Who do we save?
Everyone? Just a few?
And can we save
All who we want to?
How do we make such decisions?
Like a lifeboat sinking
With too many people
Who gets thrown overboard?
The weak,
The socially insignificant,
The poor?
Would there be any volunteers?
Or would we panic
Run amok
Fighting others to stay alive?

What do we save?
We don’t want to part
With our possessions
It seems we have a consumerism
To face the desperation
Of a threatened life
We’d change our values
Sure enough
But who of us has had
Such luck?

To save: is it to rescue from harm or danger?
A liberation?
Or maybe it’s prevention
Halting the dangerous forces
Before they do their damage
Or is to save to keep?
To cherish, treasure,
And preserve?

What does it mean to you?

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