April 9, 2012

Word World

We seem to express almost everything we know and learn through text. All of school is expressions of learning through written language. The first thing taught to children is how to read and write. University as well is hugely based on essay writing and research of textual sources. This makes sense because written language is the clearest way known to man to present information, but it is not necessarily the most powerful. Reading words is not nearly the same as a picture or real life experience. There are simply not enough words to convey every emotion, every thought, and even those we have do not do the job justice. This is because we don’t think in words. Someone who never heard spoken words would still be able to think, albeit in a bit different way. This does seem a bit backwards to me, not because writing is not a good method of communication, but because we shouldn’t just focus or depend on text to express ourselves. Other methods should be explored to see how effective they might be. Perhaps with enough effort we can create a new method of communication, something that taps right into our very thoughts and conveys them to others. Why would this be helpful? If used properly, it could be very influential and beneficial for convincing others to help sustain planet Earth.

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