April 2, 2012

Personal Sustainability Pathway

UBC has made the commitment to integrate sustainability across all disciplines and programs. To promote this integration, you have the opportunity to self-identify a Personal Sustainability Pathway (PSP) to integrate your sustainability interests and passions into your degree program and your overall experience at UBC and beyond. How will you do this?

Faculty and Department
Undergraduate Arts
Year 1, applying for Environmental Design program in year 2 (2013)
What are your sustainability interests?
I’m interested in or I want to learn more about…
·       Earth systems
·       Human geography
·       How people think/act – what can be done to change perspectives
·       Using my passion for art as a means to initiate reflection and social change
·       Urban planning/landscape architecture – design of cities and green spaces, practically applying sustainable change
·       Architecture – making our homes and buildings better for the environment, what new approaches can we take? New technology? New values for home aesthetics and design?
·       Where can I go? How can I integrate stewardship for the earth into career, lifestyle, influence on others and ultimately positive change?
·       Sustainability Policies

My Sustainability Pathway
Choose up to three of the interests you highlighted above to create up to three overarching goals that you would like to pursue (over the duration of your degree or as you move into your professional life). What is your short to medium term goals? Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years? Be as specific as possible.
My BIG Ideas/My Goals
For each goal below, please indicate how it is supported in your pathway, i.e. which courses or co-curricular activities highlight the goal outcomes.
Goal #1: Through the environmental design program, I want to explore the issue of sustainable development in cities 
  • 2nd Year Courses: Geography - learn about physical landscapes and how they shape human development and lifestyle; Visual arts - enhancing drawing skills for use in drafting and design; Earth and Ocean Sciences - how the natural earth works/ resources we use; 
  • 3rd Year Courses: if I get accepted into the Environmental Design program I will be taking all ENDS courses with one elective, most likely a geography course. If I don't enter ENDS I will major in Geography (Environment and Sustainability) 
  •  UBC Emerging Green Builders: engage with students, scholars, professors, practitioners, and administrators concerned with the future of the built environment, and have access to affordable resources for integrating green design into my studies
Goal #2: I want to be involved in initiatives which extend my knowledge beyond the academic community and give me experience in real world issues
  • Community based partnerships: working outside school with the community on a project in sustainability and urban design (Ex: implementing rooftop gardens to a new building/residential area)  
  • AMS sustainability fund/SEEDS - apllied research projects in sustianability: incorporate ideas around urban planning, green architecture, or green spaces and get more hands on learning 
  • Volunteer experience: working with Stanley Park Ecology or Wild Bird Trust of BC 

Goal #3: I want to participate in a co-op program or other work experience in my area of study
Undergraduate Arts Co-op: 3rd year – 72% or higher average, work for environmental sector and study geography
Or, SALA (school for architecture and landscape architecture): LARC 570 – internship course: earn academic credit for relevant work experience outside the University; three-way partnership among the students, the agency/firm and the Landscape Architecture Program.
Or, SALA Co-op program: eight-month (two continuous terms) work-term in an architectural firm or in related fields of design or construction

Summer 2012
Winter 2012-13
Summer 2013
Winter 2013-14
SUST 101
GEOB 102 & 103
ENGL 100 & 110
PHIL 102
VISA 110
FIST 100

EOSC 114 (Distance Education)

ENDS Application Portfolio Development
Term 1
ENDS 221
GEOG 122
GEOG 210
ENGL 227
VISA 182

Term 2
ENDS 231
GEOB 270
GEOB 207
GEOG 250
VISA 183
CRWR 202
Plan 1 (ENDS)
ARCH 403
ENDS 301
ENDS 320
ENDS 302
ENDS 420
LARC 440
ENDS 404
GEOG 310

Plan 2 (GEOG)
GEOG 310
GEOG 312
GEOG 318
GEOB 307
GEOG 321
GEOG 350
GEOB 372
GEOG 374
GEOB 370
Campus involvement (co-curricular)
Sustainability in Rez
Social Justice Club
University Christian Ministries
Go Global – International Service Learning: Sustainable development in Costa Rica

Student Environment Centre
Sustainability in Rez
Common Energy
Cont’d:             SEC
Sust in Rez
Common Energy
Arts Co-op; Geographic, environmental or architectural work
UBC Emerging Green Builders
Common Energy

SEEDS project
Common Energy
Community involvement

SPCA volunteer work
UBC Trek program: community service learning
Cont’d            UBC Trek
Environmental Volunteer – Stanley park Ecology or Wild Bird Trust of BC
Cont’d Environmental Volunteer

Sustainability-themed art projects
Summer job in environmental field (Ex: tree farm)
Portfolio Development
Portfolio Development

Sustainability Video Blogs
Sustainability Video Blogs

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