April 9, 2012

Creative Reflection: Juxtaposition

                      PAST LIFE



            This series is entitled Juxtaposition. My work is aimed to address the global issues of environmental degradation as a result of human actions. It is an exploration of image manipulation as a technique for depicting potential outcomes and illustrating contrast between the past and the future. This creative reflection is in response to several  resources including the Wonderful World, Cities, and Climate Change videos on the Sustainability 101 course website.
         Today, image manipulation is used primarily for the purpose of stretching the truth in advertising. The media uses photo manipulation as a means to gain profit by influencing people with unrealistic images. My series is directed at contradicting this common negative perspective. Instead, I show how image manipulation can be used to invoke positive change by generating compassionate emotion in the viewer. Ironically, I have chosen to present the images with an aura of beauty; negative scenes of human impacts are integrated into glorious scenes of nature for an overall serene effect. I chose this approach to demonstrate the sustainable harmony that can be achieved between mankind and the earth. Instead of a message of doom, my pictures promote a sense of hope. This is a very important shift in perception that I have learned from this course as well as from Jaime Lerner's TED talk: Sing a Song of Cities. Instead of viewing human development as the enemy of sustainability, we should look at how it can be the solution. It's time to think positively and move towards action rather than feel hopeless and depressed about a terrible future that might not even happen. 

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